Work With Me



The Get it button will lead you to my email, so we can connect before we work together on your Healing Journey. 

I will answer your email within 1 to 3 days.



  • For a House Healingwe will either have an email conversation, or we will set up a Zoom meeting. I also need a floor plan of your home.
  • For a Card Reading you will receive your reading plus a photo of the card spread in written form as a PDF file sent to your email address.
  • For a Reiki Distance Healing, please contact me and we can set up a timeframe for when you want to receive your Chi Ball.
  • For a Reiki Infused Guided Journey you will receive a Information sheet as a PDF file including a download Link for the mp3
  • For all options, you will be sent a PayPal invoice from me.


House Healing

House Healing Full Report 

Earth Energy Healing

Full Report (50 sections) 345€


Find more information here


A PayPal invoice will be sent to you after contacting me


Imprints & Beings


Imprints & Beings Healing 225€


Find more info here


An PayPal invoice will be sent to you after contacting me


Earth Energy Healing 195€


Find more information here


A PayPal invoice will be sent to you after contacting me


Personal Clearing


Personal Energy Clearing 225€



Find more info here


A PayPal invoice will be sent to you after contacting me

Mini Report

Mini Report 205


Find more info here


An PayPal invoice will be sent to you after contacting me



Tarot & Oracle Readings

Faery Connection


Faery Connection Card Reading 40€


More info here


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Trauma Healing


Trauma Healing Card Reading 45€


More info here



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Be Wild

Be Wild Card Reading 35€


More info here


A PayPal invoice will be sent to you after contacting me



Past Life 

Past Life Reading 45€


More info here



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Faery Star


Faery Star Reading 40€


More info here



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Magical Home


Magical Home Reading 40€


More info here



A PayPal invoice will be sent to you after contacting me


Note: If booked together with a House Healing you get 25% off the regular price. 



Ancestral Reading 45€


More info here



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Roots of Love 

Relationship Reading 40€


More info here



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My Journey

Journey Reading 40€


More info here



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Working with Depression 45€


More info here



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The Lighthouse

Lighthouse Spread 40€


More info here



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Three Whispers

Three Whispers (Tarot, Oracle & Ogham) 50€


More info here



A PayPal invoice will be sent to you after contacting me



Distance Reiki

Distance Reiki session 5


Find more info here




  • Guided meditation as mp3 download & information sheet
  • Aura cleanse
  • Energy Rebalncing


A PayPal invoice will be sent to you after contacting me



Animal Reiki

Distance Animal Reiki session 4


Find more info here




  • Information sheet
  • Energy Rebalancing
  • Aura Cleanse



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Packages - BIG & Mini

Faery Package Big


Faery Package 255€



  • A Geopsychic Clearing (Imprints & Beings)
  • A Faery Connection Reading
  • A Guided Journey to enter the Faery Realm



A PayPal invoice will be sent to you after contacting me


Trauma Package Big


Trauma Package 265€



  • A Personal Energy Clearing
  • A Trauma Card Reading
  • A Guided Journey to release Trauma



A PayPal invoice will be sent to you after contacting me


Ancestor Package Mini


Ancestral Package 55€



  • An Ancestral Healing Card Reading
  • An Ancestral Guided Journey 



A PayPal invoice will be sent to you after contacting me


Faery Package Mini


Mini Faery Package 50€



  • A Faery Connection Reading
  • A Guided Journey to enter the Faery Realm




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Trauma Package Mini


Trauma Package Mini 55€



  • A Trauma card reading
  • A Guided Journey to release Trauma



A PayPal invoice will be sent to you after contacting me


Reiki Infused Guided Journeys

Journey into Faery


Faery Journey 15€


More info here



A PayPal invoice will be sent to you after contacting me



Trauma Release


Trauma Release Journey 15


More info here



A PayPal invoice will be sent to you after contacting me



Reiki Journey 


Reiki Journey 15€


More info here



A PayPal invoice will be sent to you after contacting me


Ancestral Healing 


Ancestral Healing Journey 15€


More info here 


A PayPal invoice will be sent to you after contacting me