What is Geopsychic Stress and what are Energetic Imprints? Learn more about spirit lines, portals, place memory, curses on the land, and more.
How you can find them, what you need to dowse for, and how to clear them.
What types of energy beings can be found in your home? Are they all detrimental or can you even work with them?
In this article we are going to explore all the beings from trapped spirits, to your Guardians of the home, and we even address the darker energy beings.
Learn more about Earth Energy, Ley Lines, Energy Spirals, Water Veins, and more. How does Earth Energy influences us and vice versa. And what to do when you find Water Veins underneath your home.
How does a House Healer work? When you should consider getting a House Healing done? And how can it benefit you?
Learn more about the different aspects a House Healer analyses and how a House Healer can clear negative energy.