I have started my journey with the Ogham a few months ago. It has lead me to a deeper connection with the trees and their spirits.
First of all what is Ogham ?
Well the Ogham is know to be the Celtic Tree alphabet, but you can also use the sigils and the trees for magical purposes and you can create you own Ogham staves for divination.
The Ogham has twenty letters, also called the Feda, that are associated with a tree or plant, later on, five more letters were added to the system, which is know as the Forfeda.
The letters are divided into four groups, the aicme (tribe, family) of five letters each.
When you start to research about the Ogham you will come across a few difficulties, for example it is not always really clear which trees or plants are meant.
However I won't go into the history of Ogham, there are great books and also some online resources where you can do your own research, if you choose to do so.
My priorities for the blog posts here, and also for my videos, will be the magical use of the Ogham and also how to use it as a divination system.
Over the next months, I want to discover with you each tree, I want to write, and talk, about the Celtic lore, the magical uses of the trees, how you can work with its essence and of course also about the divination system.
Above you can find an introduction video, where I also explain how you can make your own staves and how you can make contact with the trees.
Here is a very brief introduction of the Feda, but of course there will be much more information provided when I talk about each tree.
I will add the Forfeda at a later point.
Beith - Birch : 24th December - 20th January
Letter B
Class : Peasant
Purification, New Beginnings, Bringer of Hope, Channeler of Emotion,Protection.
Rowan - Luis: 21st January- 17th February
Letter L
Class: Peasant
Healing, Success and Power, Protection against control by others, and Psychic Intuition.
Alder- Fearn: 18th March- 14th April
Letter F
Class: Chieftain
Protection, giver of courage, easer of fear and doubt, Help in making choices
Willow-Saille: 15th April - 12th May
Letter S
Class : Peasant
Healing, Helper in grief and death, inspiration, fertility, protection, love
Ash - Nuin: 18th February - 17th March
Letter N
Class: Chieftain
Protection, Health, Courage, Matters of the sea
Hawthorn - Huathe: 13th May - 9th June
Letter H
Class: Peasant
Fertility, Protection, Caution, Relaxation, Happiness, Chastity
Oak- Duir: 10th June - 7th July
Letter D
Class : Chieftain
Protection, Health, Inner Strength, Luck, Money, Healing, Potency
Holly - Tinne: 8th July - 4th August
Letter T
Class: Peasant
Protection, Luck, Psychic enhancement
Hazel- Coll : 5th August- 1st September
Letter C
Class : Chieftain
Granting Wisdom and Inspiration, Wishes, Luck, Protection, Fertility, Divination of hidden things
Apple - Quert: Samhain, Ruler of the light side of the year ( 2nd May - 31st October)
Letter Q
Class: Shrub
Healing, Protection, rejuvenation, Love, Immortality
Blackberry, Bramble or Vine- Muin: 2nd September - 29th September
Letter M
Class: Chieftain
Healing, Protection, Abundance, Wealth
Ivy - Gort: 30th September - 27th October
Letter G
Class: Chieftain
Friendship, Healing Protection, Steadfastness
Broom, Reed, Fern - Ngetal: 28th October- 24th November
Letter Ng
Class: Shrub
Protection, Fertility, Responsibility
Blackthorn - Straif: Samhain, Ruler of the dark half of the year ( 31st October - 1st May)
Letter St
Class : Chieftain
Banishing negativity, Protection, Purification, overcoming adversity, raising awareness and energy
Elder- Ruis: 25th November - 22nd December
Letter R
Class : Shrub
Protection, Healing, Wisdom, Prosperity, Blessings, Sleep
Scots Pine, Silver Fir - Ailm : Yule 21st December- 22nd December
Letter A
Class: Shrub
Healing, Protection, pointing the way, fertility, purification
Gorse - Onn: around 21st March, Spring Equinox
Letter O
Class: Chieftain
Life force, creativity, vitality, protection, boundaries
Heather- Ur: Summer Solstice
Letter U
Class: Peasant
Sexuality, wipes away the past, fertility, natural rhythm
Aspen, Poplar- Eadha: Autumn Equinox
Letter E
Class: Shrub
Shielding from fears, protection from theft, communication with the divine, endurance, wealth and prosperity
Yew- Ioho : Yule 21st December
Letter I
Class: Chieftain
Protection from negative spirits, Longevity, Wisdom, reincarnation, work with ancestors
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