As above, so below - The balancing of the elements & the Three Souls
The four elements are often mentioned when we work either in the magical arts, in any kind of healing modalities, or even if we only want to focus on our overall well-being. In my own work as a practitioner of Faery Witchcraft, I have a strong focus on EARTH, FIRE, WATER, and AIR. These elements are the foundation of all life. By being aligned with them, we will feel more present, have a better understanding of Self and the world we live in.
When the element of earth is unbalanced, we might experience a feeling of being ungrounded. Perhaps we are also having difficulties to stay present, or neglect self-care. We might experience sluggishness and we have a hard time to get moving. When EARTH is well aligned within us, we show traits that are rather beneficial. We might be very reliable, well organized and fairly disciplined. Our emotions are calm, and we understand how to nourish ourselves.
The element of fire can bring substantial gifts of immense energy, a creative spark, great passion, courage and a drive to move forward. The downside of FIRE, however, can show up in our life as being short-tempered, unable to focus on one thing, and as being impulsive.
If unbalanced, the element of water can manifest in being overly dreamy, emotionally unstable, melancholic, feeling stuck, or being indifferent. However, if WATER is aligned within us, we are much more able to go with the flow, releasing tension and difficult emotions, and being able to show compassion.
With the element of air in balance, we can experience mental clarity, being level-headed and independent, and being open to new ideas. When out of balance, AIR can manifest as being over worried, too much in our head, being stubborn and having difficulties in communication.
These associations are by no means exhaustive, and if you work with the elements, you probably have your own ideas and associations with them already.
To bring the four elements into alignment, I can offer you a free Guided Journey for each of them.
I created these journeys a few years ago and they are part of my free Faery Course
You can use them without doing the course, but in it, I have a lesson that focuses on the elements and provides many other exercises to work with the elements. So if you are interested in that, feel free to check it out.
There is also another way how you can balance the elements within yourself. Truth be told, there are many ways to do so, but I want to share with you one exercise I like to do daily.
First, I want you to establish which part of the body you associate with which element.
The feet and legs represent earth.
This is logical for most people and rarely argued over.
Then we have the genitals and the lower belly. This is in some traditions represented by the element of fire, and other traditions connect it with the element of water. What you chose here is up to you and your tradition.
The upper belly and the chest can then be represented by the element of water, or by fire. Again, this is your choice.
And lastly, we have the throat and the head, which are associated with the element of air.
After you have established where in your body you see the elements represented, you can also ponder about their qualities and what that means to you.
- Earth - Cool Dry Dense & Heavy
- Fire - Hot Dry Expansive
- Water - Cool Wet Fluid
- Air - Hot Wet Rapid Movement
Once established, you can begin with the actual exercise.

For this exercise, you can either stand or sit cross-legged on the ground, just ensure that you keep your back fairly straight. Ideally, you will perform this exercise outside, however, I’m aware that this isn’t always possible, so indoor works as well. You might even want to do this exercise right after you wake up to energize yourself and set the right tone for the day. However, you can also choose to do this exercise at the end of the day, or even in between, whenever you feel in need of a bit of energy.
- Start by taking a few deep cleansing breaths. If your thoughts are racing and you have difficulties to control them, imagine your thoughts as tendrils growing out of your head. Imagine your own inner fire in your center. See how this ball of light brightens and expands. Now pluck out your “thought tendrils” and bring them into your center. Let your inner fire burn them away. They are just thoughts. Believe me, they will come back, but right now, you don’t need them.
- Take another deep breath and become aware of the seven directions; East, South, North, above, below, and you in the center. For this exercise, it is sufficient to just be aware of them. You don’t need to engage any further with the directions.
- Feel now into your point of contact with the earth, either your feet or your bottom and legs on the ground. If you are inside, remember that the building is also in contact with the earth. Your hands are at your side, palms facing down. If you are sitting, they may touch the ground.
- Visualize either a ball of light, or a human shaped source of light just below the ground or floor where your body makes contact. You can also visualize a snake growing from your tail into the earth, roots reaching down, or even a flame. Either way, the upper surface of this energy source touches your point of contact. The lower surface emanates a beam of light that descends deep into the earth. As this beam (roots, snake…) reaches deeper, it forms several more strands of light until it finds its way into the heart of the earth.
- Feel the source of light just beneath you. Perhaps you experience sensations of heat, or you feel vibrations coming from it. Pull the energy from the earth up into the source of energy just below you. You can now also send your own energy into it.
- Continue to breathe deep and steady. Raise now the light from the source of energy just below you. Slowly bring your hands up as you raise the energy through your feet, legs, and thighs. Imagine a sphere around this part of your body and your energy field that you now fill up with this light or energy. You are now connected with the element of earth, the substance of your body.
- Rise your hands up to your hips and waist. Also here, visualize a sphere forming around this part and fill it with the energy from below. This connects you with the element of water, or fire, depending on your choice.
- Bring your hands up to your heart center, palms turning to face upwards. This activates the element of fire (or water, again, depending on your choice) in your body. Fill up the third sphere surrounding you.
- Move your hands further up to your throat and above your head with the palms still facing upwards. Raise the energy within the sphere to the top of your head, but no further. You have reached the element of air, connected to thought and free expression. Hold it there for a breath.
- Now visualize a beam of light, a snake, tree branches, or a flame growing out of your head and reaching into the sky. Higher and higher they reach until you touch the edge of the universe. Draw in the energy of the stars, the source of all things, and bring it down through the last created sphere around the head.
- Move one hand past your head with your palm facing downwards. Continue your way past your shoulders, heart, belly, and legs until you reached your feet and let the light of the stars illuminate the other three spheres.
- Let this source of energy gather just below you for a moment.
- Slowly and with control, bring now your two hands to your heart. Let the light from above and the light from below merge with your own light.
- Set the intention of keeping as much energy as needed and spread it throughout your entire body.
- After another deep breath, release the excess energy. Ask that the energy is set free and send to wherever harmony and balance is needed.
When you do this exercise regularly, it will not only strengthen and balance the elements within you, but also increase your awareness of the land just below your field and the field above you. You will notice how your own energy impacts the realms above and below, and how you can help to transform this energy.
This exercise also ties in with the three souls. In some traditions, it is believed that we are divided into three souls. One soul dwells in the underworld, the other in the upper world, and the third one in the middle world. This exercise connects all three parts of us strengthen the bond between the worlds.
Additionally, it is also a great exercise to cleanse yourself of attachments and cut through cords. So you can see it is beneficial on several levels.
It is best if you perform this daily. After you familiarize yourself with this exercise, it will only take a few minutes and not interfere with your daily routine. Despite it being quick and simple, it is no less effective.
As always, if you have any further questions, feel free to contact me.
I hope your world is kind,
Much love