Posts tagged with "Wheel of the year"
Wheel Of the Year · 16. December 2017
All about the Winter Solstice.
The energy around it, how you can celebrate this day, and a Tarot Spread.
Tarot Spreads · 08. November 2017
We are now approaching the end of the year, and as many in the Tarot community, I will be doing my year ahead reading very soon. Mostly we see people pull a card for every month and then maybe a thirteenth card to get a feeling of the overall energy of the year. I do it a bit differently; as everyone who follows me probably knows, I live by the wheel of the year, the eight earth festivals. I've followed this path since I was a child and I just don't divide my year into twelve months, so it...
Wheel Of the Year · 22. October 2017
Hi lovelies, today I want to share some information about Samhain with you. Samhain, like Beltane, is a very magical time. The veil between the seen world of matter and the unseen world of spirit becomes thin. It is a time for communication with the ancestors, a time for divination, omens, portents, and seeking to understand the inner mysteries. It is a time to drift, dream and vision, a time for inner journeys connecting to the wisdom within yourself. This is the Summer’s end and the...
Wheel Of the Year · 15. September 2017
A few informations about the underlying energy of the Autumn Equinox. You can find a video here, and a special offer for a Tarot Reading.
On August the first we celebrate Lammas, or Lughnasadh, I will share some information how this festival relates to our life today and you can also find a video for this special day.
Celebrations at Glastonbury Tor for Summer Solstice. Here you can also find a short video, where I want to share my impressions.
Hi lovelies,
I just want to share my Video that I've made for the upcoming Summer Solstice and some general information about this festival
Wheel Of the Year · 14. April 2017
Beltane is my absolute favorite Festival, and I really want to give you something at this time. If you are interested in a reading for Beltane feel free to take a look at my shop and request a Beltane Reading, it's free. As you see I've also made a video for Beltane, but I will share the text here as well. You can celebrate Beltane on April 30rd or on the night of the Full Moon nearest to the end of April and the beginning of May, or as near to this as possible. Beltane is a celebration of the...
Wheel Of the Year · 13. March 2017
This year we celebrate the Spring Equinox on the 20th March 2017, it is the festival off balance, the balance of light and dark, the balance of the inner world and the outer world, the balance and joining of the conscious and the unconscious. Our ancestors understood that the physical, mental and spiritual levels were so interlocked and perfectly balanced, that whatever is done on one level will inevitably affect the other two. The spring equinox if often symbolized by a Spring maiden with a...
Wheel Of the Year · 26. January 2017
Today I've made a quick video about Imbolc. We celebrate this festival on February 1st. It is a time to celebrate the reawakening of the earth. It is still winter and cold outside, but we can see already the first buds that are coming forth. For our ancestors the newborn lambs were a sign that spring is not far away anymore and the days are getting longer again. Imbolc is associated with the Goddess Brigid, the Goddess of the eternal flame and also the Goddess of the holy wells and springs. It...